Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

h e l l o sistaa

sorry friends I can tell right now hehe.
since yesterday I can not open my account and I had to create a new account.
I will introduce my friend, my neighbor that I already consider to be my sister. 
I love her. she is always with me when I stopped crying and blush, he also has witnessed a sad story and I am happy. 
friend, now I'm sad because we've rarely played together.
let alone play, meet only rarely. 
here I will show how to togetherness us when we were out playing together. 
my sister was named Shaila rianita she now lectures at UNDIP Department Engineering Department Urban and Regional Planning, she is often invoked as fungus or Chey. I like everything we do together with my sister


3 komentar:

  1. kenapa de jarang main?silahturahmi dong hehe :)

  2. dia sibuk o mbak huhu, mbak dana sini yang main rumaku :D

  3. hihi aku terharu :*
    still loving you my lovely sistaa :*
    #big hug and kiss
