Selasa, 26 November 2013

Pita Hitam(?)

          Apa jadinya bila semua dokter di dunia libur sehari atau mogok kerja? Apa jadinya bila penyakit-penyakit yang sudah akut tidak segera di tangani oleh dokter?
Lalu bagaimana nasip mereka-mereka yang sudah di ujung tanduk?????????????????????
27 november...... Ijinkan kami para dokter menjadi manusia biasa.
Beristirahat sejenak menjadi dokter.
Agar hati kami tenang, keluarga kami tidak kecewa melihat usaha kami menolong sesama di balas dengan cacian, hujatan, dan penjara.
       .........biar hakim yang resusitasi
       .........biar jaksa yang intubasi
       .........pengacara yang inform consent
       .........polisi yang meredam amarah pasien dan keluarga
       .........dan LSM yang menjelaskan kepada keluarga kalau RJPOnya gagal

semoga anda dapat menjalani dan merasakan apa yang kami lakukan selama ini.

Rabu, 06 November 2013

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

happy holiday

saturday morning with cool air accompanied by the lovely ladies on the sidelines of ma busyness.

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

OSCE o:)

what do you think about "gerogi"? yeah that's what I am experiencing now, H- ... to the OSCE. maybe you can pray that I don't "gerogi". success for me and you buddies xxxx

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Dental Night Awards

happy weekend guys! hello Dentistry (faculty of dentistry) happy birthday to the faculty, may remain victorious, and have high-quality students. a beautiful night by the rhythm of the song were decorated, the table beautifully landscaped, and a variety of events. yup! 5 years this faculty has been standing upright. all students so it looks beautiful at night, various outfits adorn their bodies. I say "congratulations" to the nomination winners (dental night award). you're great #presidental

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Tuwailight Management

sometimes it does not make sense, we all have found new life. but there is no impossible if we want to try. This may be difficult but we felt. togetherness, jokes, laughter. after all this time. I spend my holidays with them. Tuwailight management \ m / you can find me here!

Happy Holiday xD

where's me? xD